Learn Spanish

Step by Step Training

Continue your training, coronaninja!

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Step 1: Write a Letter to a Friend

Hi Coronaninja! Although Conoraninjas like to work alone, it’s also necessary to communicate  with your friends. Especially right now with the quarantine it’s very important to check how our  loved ones are doing. So, your mission is to write a very important letter to a friend or family  member. You can write a letter to…

Step 2: Learn to Wash Your Hands

ACTIVITY INSTRUCTIONS  After watching the video and learning how to wash your hands  properly, you will complete the following activity to learn the vocabulary in Spanish. You will complete a crossword puzzle with the given hints in English. You should fill in the blanks in Spanish.   Word bank:   Muñeca  Vacuna  Mascarilla  Cuarentena  Asintomático  Coronavirus  …

Step 3: Vaccine Activity

Hola, Corona-Ninja! You have shown that you are strong and determined! This activity will help you learn more about vaccines, which help us be strong and healthy and protect us from the virus. You will watch the video about vaccines and how our body fights off the virus. Then, you will complete a matching game…

Step 4: Corona Ninjas Kahoot!

For this activity, it is an interactive and very entertaining Kahoot game. Students can use the app and the PowerPoint and link to the Kahoot code. There are also screenshots of each of the questions, first when they are asked and then the solutions after all the questions are asked. Review the public health guidelines…

Step 5: Learn about Corona virus with Corona ninjas!

The corona virus has affected everyone. It has gone from country to country very quickly, and there are finally vaccines made by two companies. Now, more than half of the adult population in America are vaccinated. This activity was done to teach students what vaccines are and how they will help them. Pause the video…

Step 6: Learn about your Emotions!

Are you a corona ninjas? If you are, you are in the right place. Everyone has emotions and even as a ninja it is important to be able to explain how you feel. This activity teaches the basic words for emotions in Spanish. After learning those words, there is a matching activity and a place…

Step 9: Covid-19 and Learning Spanish!

In this activity you will identify the verbs in the past and present, conjugate the verbs in the past and the present, use verbs and vocabulary to describe pandemics and history, and understand the history of pandemics around the world. Videos:

Step 8: Corona Ninja Scavenger Hunt!

Scavenger hunt to have fun at home! First you have to grab all the items on the list to make sure you can play the game. The next step is print the documents below and cutting out the listed pieces that have to be taped to some items. Third hide the items listed from your…

Step 10: Corona Ninjas Crossword puzzle!

Below is a crossword you can print and fill out! You will practice your problem solving skills and learn Corona Ninja vocabulary. ¡Clave de respuestas para comprobar tus respuestas cuando termines!

Step 11: Write your own Diary

Warm-up Activity Instructions: Students will read the day one prompt and then set their timers to 10 minutes and begin writing!Begin on the first day of the writing prompts and each day continue with the next prompt. This activity aims to give students time to share how they feel and what their experiences have been…

Step 13: Learning New Words

Objective:Students will learn to pronounce the meaning of various words related to COVID-19. InstruccionesNow is time for our next step in our Coronaninja training. The world has change and new words are now being use, your mission is to learn these new words which is going to help you keep fighting like a ninja. For…

Step 14: The Emotions

This activity is all about your emotions. Good bad and everything in between. With the pandemic it is important to understand what you are feeling so that you can talk to others if you need help. Below you will watch a video and answer the questions below about emotions. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akTRWJZMks0 Después de ver el video,…

Step 15: Gratitude Journal

Instructions Gratitude Journal! In this first activity I would like to focus more on children’s mental health, hence the idea of ​​a “gratitude journal”. In this way, children will be able to express their feelings through writing and drawing. My idea is to have a template that they can download or copy into a notebook…

Step 16: Become a Corona Ninja Journalist

This activity allows children to ask adults about Coronavirus. It is important that the adults play along and create an interview environment. this will allow children to ask questions they have been wondering and get answers.

Step 17: How to identify Covid-19

Now that you have learned plenty about the pandemic it is also important that you know how to virus is transmitted and what to do. Below you will learn with your friend Coco the Corona ninjas about vaccines, and how they work! Hola! Soy Coco, una coronaninja que pelea contra el virus tal como tu.…

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